Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where did Myspace go?

This week in the FlorAla I read an interesting article that had to deal with MySpace and the fall of this social networking site. It posed a good question, what in the world ever happened to MySpace? It is a question I had never really thought about. Yes, I used to have a MySpace but once I got to college it just seemed as if Facebook was more accessible and easier to use. So over 2 years ago I decided to delete my MySpace. It does not seem like it was that long ago though when it seemed as if MySpace was where it was at. You could write on other peoples pages, design page layouts, and even bands had their own pages. But somewhere along the way MySpace started to dwindle. In my opinion I think it definately has to be because of Facebook. I remember when I arrived at college I did not even have a Facebook but decided to get one because alot of my friends at school used the site. The rest was history, I realized how much better Facebook was and how much more complex and simple it was. MySpace still does exist, but most of the social network users have either gone to Facebook or Twitter now.

My point of this post is to try and explain what happened here. In today's society we are always looking to upgrade, no matter what the instance may be. It does not matter what the case is whether it is a clothing brand or even a social networking site. Facebook saw what Myspace was doing and knew that if they wanted to keep up with Myspace that they would have to go above and beyond what Myspace was doing. People are always looking for their best possible scenario in the world today and are looking to improve current mediums that we use now. I can remember 10 years ago when my mother got her first cell phone. It was basically the size of a brick and had a 6 inch antenna on it. I thought it was amazing at that time. Imagine if you saw someone today with a cell phone like that, you would probably pass judgement on them. This is just proof that people are always looking to better what is currently out there.

One question that I would like to pose for readers of this blog is: Do you eventually think that Twitter is going to take over Facebook?

Here is a link to an article dealing with Myspace and where it went: Facebook>Myspace


  1. I had a myspace in high school also Josh! I decided to keep it simply because I had a lot of friends that I didn't want out of my life and decided to keep it around just in case I ever needed any of the information then I would still have it! I agree with the upgrade as well! We want everything faster, better, now. :)
    Great blog Josh!

  2. I had a myspace also! and i remember my first cell phone i was 15 and it was a baby nokia that would light up all the time! then the next cool phone was of course the flip phone. I agree with you on us always wanting up grades. If you would have told me 5 years ago that i would have a cell phone that can get the internet, or watch a full length video on i would think you were pullin my leg! Is myspace even still used? I remember when i first got my myspace! i was 16 or 15 and all i wanted to do the first week was check my comments! crazy right. Now i find myself connected with facebook all the time. I wonder what will be next?

  3. I still have a Myspace page. I have always liked it because I find it the easiest way to follow bands that I like. I can go to their page and listen to music or see when and where they are touring. I read a status on Facebook once that made me said, "if you still have a Myspace page then you're still using a beeper." I don't think Twitter will ever take the place of Facebook just because they are so very different. I have never had a desire to create a Twitter account, I find it difficult enough keeping up with all the changes and happenings with Facebook, and that's the key...knowing what people like and changing or adding things to hold people's interests and short attention spans.

  4. I still have a Myspace page as well. Myspace was always a hassle for me, it was always slow because of all the content that was on the page. The last time I got on Myspace was about six months ago. Facebook in my opinion is the future for interactivity and keeping up with friends. I would not doubt that one day Twitter and Facebook might be in a all out war against each other because of the popularity, but that probably be down the road.

  5. I was wondering what happened to Myspace myself. I had an Myspace account. But I wonder what will happen to Facebook. Will something eventually take over Facebook like Facebook took over Myspace. Good post, this is an interesting subject.
