Tweeting, texting, and using Facebook, these have become a mainstay in our society today. It is there for everyone and is made accessible worldwide. But how much is too much? According to market researcher Radicati Group, corporate users received about 110 text messages a day in 2010. According to Twitter, there are on average about 110 million tweets sent a day. Think about that, 110 million, in one day.
Researcher Basex estimated that productivity losses were at $650 billion in 2007 due to “unnecessary interruptions.” These statistics may not necessarily be from distractions like text messages, but some of them very well could be. This statistic is also interesting to me because the research was conducted in 2007, so with the rise of Facebook and Twitter I am sure that these numbers have begin to grow.
It seems to me that this whole process is an ongoing cycle, we tweet, check our Facebook and text on a daily basis. It has almost become a lifestyle. Imagine what it would be like if someone were to take away your cell phone for one week. Do you think that you would be able to go one week without having your cell phone? I honestly do not think I could. That is the society that we live in today though, social media consumes us.
Here is a link to the story I used to write this blog: Social Media Overload
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